Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Prophet’s meeting with the great grandson of Iblis [Satan]

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar has narrated from his father Hazrat Umar Faruq—I was sitting with the Prophet on one of the hills of Tahama when an old man presented himself in front of the Prophet and saluted him. Huzoor [The prophet] answered and said, Your voice and accent seem to be those of the jinn. He answered, I am Hama bin [son of] Him bin Laqis bin Iblis. Huzoor asked, What is your age? He answered, At the time when Qabil [Cain] killed Habil [Abel] I was 43 years old….
… In the age of Hazrat Nuh [Noah] I used to live with Muslims in a mosque…. I had told Hazrat Nuh that I was a part of the gathering of the killers of Habil bin Adam [Abel, son of Adam]. I desire God’s forgiveness. Will God accept my repentance? Hazrat Nuh said, God is forgiving and merciful. Get up and do wuzu and offer two prostrations [of prayer]. I acted on Hazrat Nuh’s advice and I hadn’t yet lifted my head from the prostration when Hazrat Nuh said, lift your head from prostration, your repentance is accepted….
… I often used to go on pilgrimage to see Y’aqub [Jacob]. I was with Yusuf [Joseph] in the place of his captivity. I used to meet Ilyas [Elijah] in the wilderness, and I still meet with Hazrat Ilyas [on occasion]. I have seen Hazrat Musa [Moses] too. He educated me in the books of the Old Testament and told me that when you meet Hazrat Isa [Jesus] give him my regards. I conveyed Hazrat Musa’s greetings to Hazrat Isa. Hazrat Isa told me that when you meet Muhammad, you should convey my greetings to him. It is the narrator’s statement that when he heard this, Huzoor [The Prophet] started crying and said, May salutations keep reaching Isa. And till the world exists O Hama, may there be peace upon you. You have fulfilled what was entrusted to you. (Chishti n.d.: 199201)

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