Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Generally the term Sihr describes a range of terms which are known to
us as magic, including various methods of oracles, the use of
different objects and signs, medicinal plants, assembling spells,
manufacturing talismans and notations, and communicating with
supernatural forces. During the long history of magic which begins in
the drab of mankind we find depicted walls of the caves in Altamira,
Spain, where the primitive man drew figures of punctured wild animals
wanting to influence that way his hunting skills and to strengthen his
hunting capabilities. In paganism, the first form of religion, magic
played a central role and by virtue of it and through spells
performing magic rituals the priests and priestesses addressed the
gods and spirits of nature. Later with the advent of monotheism, the
history of magic continues with the stories about Adam and his
daughter Anak, then Solomon or the Persian ruler of magic and the
world of King Jamshid all the way to Iblis and his daughter Baidah,
the angels Harut and Marut, etc.

Today we reliably know that no religion can exist without magic
because without it the religion could not exist nor could it be
accepted by the people. The things that fascinated and inspired man
for ages and ever since his origin, are the miracles and supernatural
phenomena before which he recedes and prostrates himself. If we look
at the stories of the three messengers of God Mosses, Jesus and
Mohammed we will notice magical or miraculous legends. In the case of
Mosses the division of the ocean is nothing else but a copy of the
much older Egyptian myth in which one of the pharaoh's wizards splits
a lake into two before the spellbound people. Satan's temptation of
Jesus in the desert is a classical description of an ancient wizard
who evokes and communicates with demons. Muhammad's banishment of the
devil also points to a similar myth.


The whole system of Arabian magic is founded on the age old beliefs of
ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and Persia which were developed in details
and they encompassed magical sciences like astrology, numerology,
spiritualism, necromancy and the like. A conformation of this claim is
easy to be found reading various perscriptions from Arabic magic
books. In bewitching a husband to be bound, Sihr is left in the oven
over night. An oven for bread was dedicated to the goddess Ishtar who
ruled over love, fertility and motherhood. Also her metal was copper,
a frequent material for production of talismans. In another medicine
for love in the list of the names of the Jinn that are being called
upon, the name Shamash is mentioned, the ancient god of the sun, etc.
It would be interesting to mention the symbol of the pentagram or the
five sided star probably the most famous symbol of the Arabic occult
tradition, which represented the god Anubis in the ancient Egypt.
Besides this, the use of vefk's (magical square) began on the
territory of today's Syria. From all of the above it is easy to
conclude that magic has never been absent from mans conscience and
that the methods and techniques that were used 7000 years ago still
exist today, comprehended in a more assimilated, modern way.
Two ways to get knowledge about magic
From ancient times, magical knowledge was acquired in two ways-
through books and through an oral tradition. The first way can be
called elite, because obtaining knowledge that way was available only
to a handful of chosen people who were acquainted with the mystical
arts through teachings about using mysterious forces embodied in the
names Allah, magical alphabet and vekf's. Traditional transmission of
magical knowledge to family members was the most frequent way of
initiating into the supernatural. This way can be considered as
better, and more useful than the previous one because the knowledge
and experience that is gathered over generations is a measurable
source of wisdom and power unlike obscure texts and formulas from
ancient authors that are protected.
Another important factor that vindicates the above mentioned, is the
acquisition of the necessary permit for spiritual work from a
teacher-forerunner which is after all one of the key elements for
occult work.

How does Sihr work?

Today when occultism and clairvoyance are experiencing their
renaissance, various untrue stories and misinformations are being
spread about magic. The lowest form of magic- sorcery is being hit the
hardest. Even though serious spiritualists avoid this form because it
represents succumbing to low passions and impulses, it is the main
reason for the bad reputation of occultism. At the very beginning it
is important to say that we are talking about manipulation of the
uninformed masses who are fed lies through newspapers and shallow
books about something that might be called "house magic" where an
unhappy wife needs to give her husband three drops of menstrual blood
in his coffee or to touch him with spellbound honey and a miracle will
take place. Those are notorious absurdities that are of no use and
they should be considered as fairy tales and romantic prescription
that were made up by old ladies while they were knitting socks.
If we consider this logically, any person that has made a blood
transfusion would be incurably in love with the donor because as these
prescriptions claim, the person that drinks a couple of drops of blood
from your pinky will be madly in love with you. If magic (sorcery) was
that easy wouldn't it be logical then that everyone would use sihr's
on one another, and they wouldn't do anything else? Because it
wouldn't be necessary.
Real magic only works in the hands of an experienced individual who is
familiar with the first law of magic, namely: in the world of magic
nothing comes for free, everything has a price. In other words this
would mean that for every service that we expect we need to do a
counter service. To whom? To spiritual beings (Jinn) who are the
backbone of magic. Without their help no magic has an effect.
According to spiritual laws a magi or a magician can influence another
person through his Jinn if he manages to find out his name, namely,
every man has his copy in the spiritual world (Karin) that directly
influences him through his subconscious. If the magi succeeds to
dominate the human copy in the spiritual world then he has control
over that man. Of course, there are a lot of different ways to
influence another person through magic but they are all based on the
contact with the spiritual beings.
Besides this every initiate into the Arabian occultism knows that a
large number of magical operations are subject to astrology. Namely,
every successful magical operation has in its own basis a positive
astrological influence which is shown through some of the planets in
the astrological clock or the zodiac sign. In accordance with that,
for all magical influences a culprit can be found in the position of
certain planets. By this we mean Saturn, Pluto and Neptune whose
influence is the strongest when he is in the 8th house a symbol of the
magical and the occult. Of course the positions of other planets are
also important in determining magical influences. Red or love magic
can be easily traced by following the position of Venus, whose
influence can be seen through Fridays and its astrological clocks
because most love rituals are based on them.
There are many ways in which humans can return favors to ghosts,
namely; to pray to them, reading verses from the Quran, doing some
religious practices for the Jinn (if we are talking about Jinn
believers), doing dishonest things (if we are talking about Jinn that
are atheist), there were cases that a male Jinn or a female Jinn which
is in contact with the magi wishes the magi as his intimate partner
and (supernatural) intimate contacts take place, sometimes they go so
far to have a supernatural marriage and such.
How this communication between the Jinn and the Magi look like is best
illustrated by this Turkish description of the ceremony of magic. When
some girl is not returning affection to some boy who has been in love
with her for a long time, feelings of love obsession are developed in
him which prompt him to seek help from some powerful magician.
The whole process of sorcery is done in several parts and the first
one is of course the classical "looking into the stars" to discover
all the similarities between the male and the female on the basis of
personal data. The practical part of the ritual begins on Friday,
after the nightly prayers, when the magi goes to the house of the boy
and sits next to the fire place. Holding in his hand salt and speaking
some Jinn spells or azamet he throws it into the fire. As soon as the
salt starts cracking the magi pronounces the names of the boy and the
girl, than he speaks bismillah and spits into the fire.
Pronouncing spells with the salt is only the introduction into the
serious part of the ritual, namely, after reading a verse from the
Quran, he takes seven candles and places them in different spots
around the fire place and in the end he lights them. That way creating
ideal conditions for his occult work, he starts calling forth the Jinn
pronouncing the verse Jinn. In a very short time the Jinn start
arriving in the room, sitting around the lit candles waiting for the
magi's orders.
The magi knows that he cannot hurry with his orders, therefore he
draws seven triangles around the fire place and in everyone of them he
writes a magical word "Hu". He repeats seven times the azimet walking
around the house, blowing after every repetition. As soon as he stops
next to a candle the magi loudly calls out the girls name continuing
with the words "ya eyyuhelervah" blowing to his left and right side.
With this he indicates the last part of his ritual when the orders are
given to the Jinn and where he follows the events that he has set in
motion with his magical operations. Before that he puts out one candle
uttering the following words in Arabic: "You Jinn, bring me the soul
of this candle, the girl is asleep." And then he puts out the rest of
the candles.
The above mentioned ritual is repeated seven nights in a row. On the
last night the magi writes the name of the girl on the boy's chest
with a dark ink, giving a warning that no one can see that. By the
magi's instruction the boy has to encircle the girl's house three
times, three nights in a row while the magi tracks the condition of
the Jinn that is in charge of the task. Seven days after the above
described is done, the souls of the boy and the girl will be united
and she will start to love the boy, for whom she never had any

Historians of occultism believe that the magical square (al-waqf or
vafk, vefk) was first introduced by the people of ancient Egypt and
India believing that it represents a strong symbol that protects from
all evil. For that reason they carried it like an amulet, and also
carved the symbol above the door and all other places that they wanted
to protect. Later, the squares were used by the Arabian astrologers
for the production of natal horoscopes and therefore taking another
important place.
The whole science about magical squares and seals (khatam) drains its
knowledge from "ilm ul-huruf" which means science of letters.

These are only some of the 27 rules for the production of magical
squares and triangles(waqf):

-One shouldn't eat too much, the stomach mustn't be laden with food
-One should avoid eating foods of animal origin
-One should avoid eating foods that have an unpleasant smell, like
onions, garlic, etc.
-The things on which a waqf will be produced must be well taken care of
-For each waqf there is a qasem (curse, wish) and it should be
pronounced during the creation of the talisman
-One should have clean clothes, clean body and a clean place where the
waqf will be created. Also care must be taken that the material
necessary for writing is in order (pen, ink, place where the
inscription is made, etc.)
-One must face the holly city of Mecca.

Magic squares of these varieties are used as love charms, to create
enmity, to cause men to be silent regarding another, to prevent
dreaming, and to cast out devils. In northern India they are used to
cure various diseases, to cause butter to increase in the churn, or
milk in a woman or in a cow, to remove cattle disease, to make
fruit-trees give their fruit, to make a husband obey his wife.
In southern India, when used as love charms they are written about the
time of the new moon, the best days being Fridays, Mondays, Wednesdays
and Thursdays, and the best hours during which Jupiter, Mercury, and
Venus are dominant. For all purposes magic squares are written on a
porcelain plate or on paper, the inscription being washed off and
Among the Memans of Gujaret, in a case of spirit possession, the Sayid
asks the patient to send him daily a white china plate, on which he
writes with saffron magic squares, figures, or chapter 113 of the
Koran (Kur'an), the writing being dissolved in water and drunk.

The English word ' talisman ' and its equivalents of some other
European languages also come from an Arabic word tilisam or tilsam.
One need not conclude from these words, that the belief in amulets or
talisman went to the West from the East to Europe from Arabia after
the Arab conquest of Spain and a great part of Europe.

Talisman, Tilsum or Tilisum, basically means precious, sanctified
item. If you would read the word Tilisim backwards in the Arabic
language, it would read Musal-lat, which means obsession which may
lead one to think that a Talisum is used for defense against ghosts
but also for controlling them. Similar to that, the Bosnian word
hamajlija or amulet is derived from the Arabic word Hamail "the thing
that is carried around one's neck" which is very similar to the
Persian word Shamail (Schamail) which means "sacred picture".

According to Ibn Haldun the Tilsum signifies a magical system based on
the knowledge of sacred scripts (letters), sigils, names of the Angels
and Jinn that one can pronounce and in that way accomplish one's
goals. Therefore the Tilsum has a role of an intermediary between the
magi on the one side and the occult on the other.

We are usually talking about short but powerful talismans, done with
the help of numbers which are usually underlined. Those are usually
coded contexts combined with numbers and letters which can be clearly
and accurately deciphered by only a few. Talismans or Tilsums,
according to our knowledge, contain in them magical words, dates,
hours, minutes, the name of the creator of the Tilsum and the name of
the one for whom the Tilsum is made. In short, the whole point of the
talisman is contained in that code.

In creation of the Tilsum a central role is taken by writing or using
the names of certain spiritual beings whose strength and obedience
should be the guaranty for the efficiency of each one. For example, in
the Tilsum whose purpose is to cure a man or to free a man from the
possession, the name of the Jinn doctor Fqtsh must be included.
Besides him other names are frequently written, like al-Qarineh and
Umm es-Subjan. In very powerful Tilsums the names of "four heads" or
four helpers is mentioned: Mazar, Kamtam, Qasurah and Taykal which
serve the four Jinn rulers: Al-Ahmar, Mudhib, Schamhurish and Murrah.
Sometimes a Tilsum can be used to drive away or distance the Jinn's
from a certain place. For example, when one wants to protect the home
form the attacks of the evil Jinn, one writes the names of the seven
sleepers on a piece of paper: Ashabul Kahf and their dog Kitmir and
then one hangs the paper on a wall in the house.

The talismans can be used for positive or negative purposes, depending
on the wanted outcome. In accordance with that the use of talismans is
widespread and therefore they can be carried in a pocket, around the
neck, placed on a wall of a house, burned in a fire, buried in the
ground or a grave, etc.

To cancel out the power of a malicious Tilsum which is found in one's
vicinity, above it one needs to pronounce the following verse 70 times
during the night, and after that the Tilsum is thrown into a fire. The
prayer for canceling out the Tilsum is as follows: "Subhaneke la ilahe
illa ente jarabbi kulli shey'in ve varisuhi la ilahe illa rafiu jelle
jelaluhi ya giyasi inde kullu shiddetin ve mujibu inde kullu davetin
ebhii sirri ve bi sirri ya Allah".

Arabic talisman

In almost all of the books on Arabic magic, dozens and sometimes even
whole chapters of love spells and talismans were present. What is
especially characteristic for such texts is the constant warnings of
the author to the reader to fear Allah and not to use the revealed
secrets for achieving one's evil goals. Some authors suggest to the
readers which spell is the strongest, and so Ibnil Hajj Tilmisanil in
his book Sumusul envar reveals the most powerful spell for gaining
someones love. For that purpose, during midnight when the zodiac sign
of cancer is the most dominant, write out the talisman using blood of
a pigeon and then to fumigate it with the blood of the dead bird.
Before that one must catch the bird Partridge and hold it captive
until Tuesday and the hour of Mars. Then you must tie the talisman to
the birds right wing and set her free. According to Ibnil Hajji
Tilmisanil this spell is so powerful that the targeted person can
become very ill because of it.

Talisman's along with knot making are the most powerful love magic in
the Arabic culture. Most of the mentioned rituals are practiced
according to ancient rules of the Middle Eastern occultism-always at
the beginning of some Arabic month. In a dimmed room filled with thick
smoke of incense and other fragrances, in complete solitude, a
magician dressed in all white writes using an ink, made out of saffron
or blood, on a piece of paper the mystic letters and formulas
constantly repeating the names of the targets of his spells calling
invisible creatures to his aid. If his spell is based on subjugating
the Jinn in order to fulfill a wish then that sort of magic is always
finished with powerful statements such as: Hurry! Quickly! At once!

If, however the magician is calling forth Allah and his angels then at
the end he utters with deep respect the following words at the end of
the talisman: "this talisman is for N the son of N"- the name of the
mother is uttered- Allah please direct your angels to fulfill my wish.
God you are certainly above everything, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah.
There is no power or strength...In this case the talisman is not
written in blood but in "Arabic ink" (Saffron) or a special ink is
made out of saffron, incense and rose water.

The belief that knot binding can produce a magical effect originates
from the old Babylonians who cured certain diseases that way and they
connected lovers, caused impotence in men, etc. Because all Middle
Eastern magical beliefs are imbued with ancient Mesopotamian elements
it is no wonder why such a practice is still popular today. When one
wishes to cause love in one person, one takes seven threads of silk of
different color. All threads are connected together and then seven
knots are tied on the threads. During the tying of each knot the
"names of the moon" are uttered seven times and Ruusu erbayi. As with
every other ritual one must take care of the time when the ritual is
performed, when the moon is in the position of one of the fixed signs.
The thread is then bound in a piece of wolf skin and is given to the
targeted person. In a very short time the bearer of that talisman will
fall in love with the one for whom the talisman was created and an
emotional relationship will form.

The most popular magic is of course the one that is called red magic
or love magic. It is used today by millions of people to improve their
love life, to win back their partner, to evoke feelings in somebody or
to just become more attractive. But love magic is not just a target of
interest of anonymous people, it has been used by many past
celebrities like Jacqueline Bouvier the widow of Kennedy and Onassis
who had three witches that helped her, one was in New York, the other
in Athens and the third one in Paris. Other celebrities were also
seeking the help of those who knew how to create love magic, namely
Cary Grant, Clark Gable, Frank Sinatra, Robert Redford, Sean Connery,
Catherine Deneuve, Rita Hayworth, Petula Clark, Brigit Bardot, Merlin
Monroe etc. Naturally, today the need for the occult is even more
pronounced in celebrities, a desire to be famous, rich, protected,
loved or to know ones future transformed magic into a large industry
that has a yearly turnover of one million Euros.

In the world today the three most famous magic's are: Arabian, Gipsy
and Voodoo which have a lot of similarities but also a lot of
differences. They all have in common the immense ritualistic strength
as well as the ability to annul themselves with humans. In the
following passages we will show the easiest way to master love magic
from the Arabian occult tradition and how to use it to keep your
partner, better the relations in marriage, seduce a person that you
fancy, disable cheating in marriage, etc.
The whole system of love magic that comes from the Arabian lands is
based on the practice of building talismans, amulets, binding knots
and summoning Jinn's. The source of this magical practice derives from
ancient Egypt which is still considered as the cradle of magic. The
Egyptian magic is regarded as the most powerful magic, this is
understood from the numerous writings and records about miraculous
events in the courts of the pharaoh as well as the fascinating rituals
that were done by the priests of this land. An important contribution
to magic and its perusal we owe to ancient Persia (Iran) and their
priests known as Magi from which the word magic and magician is
derived, one who practices magic.
Arabian love magic is done by tracking the lunar system or the Arabian
months that is the time when the new moon is visible. All love magic
is done during particular days in a week and at that time when it is
most suitable. If this rule is not observed there will be no results.
The old Arabian occultists claim that the most successful magic is
done during the first days of Arabian months, before sunrise, on some
high point or some hill. Also it is necessary to know that the hours
of Jupiter, Sun and Venus are assigned for every kind of love magic.
All other planets and their hours should be avoided if one wishes to
see results.
It is also very important to know some astrological rules by which
zodiac signs and their planets are matched. Namely, as love magic and
all magic in general is subject to the influence of the planets all
those who wish to see results must obey the given instructions. If the
planets and the astrological signs are in friendly relations then the
talisman or the spell must be done in an exact day and an exact hour
of the given planet. However, if the planets and the signs are in a
malignant position towards one another, then one should drop his wish.
This means that magic cannot be made for everyone and therefore it
cannot work on everyone.

Something similar exists in Bosnian magic. When a witch wants to
create love magic that is to bring together two persons, she first
needs to find out if this is possible by divination. After she has
taken a large branch of hawthorn (Crataegus Oxyacantha) she then
splits it into three parts of equal length. Then she waits for the
fire in the fire place to tone down and then she places one branch
upright into the ember which she names as the person she wishes to put
her spell upon. The next branch she places right next to the first
one, on its left side, in the hot ember 5 inches apart and names it as
the person for whom she is creating the spell, and the third branch
she places on the right side of the first one with the same distance
apart but she doesn't name it. Then she watches to see what will
happen. If the branch, the one she named as the person for whom she is
creating the magic, falls as it is burning in the middle (named as the
person she wishes to put her spell upon) then she is certain that her
magic will succeed. However, if it happens that the un-named branch
falls in the middle then it is clear that the magic will have no

Friends are: Saturn and Mars, Jupiter and Moon, Mars and Venus, Sun
and Mercury, Venus and Moon, Mercury and Venus, Moon and Jupiter.
Enemies are: Saturn and Sun, Jupiter and Venus, Mars and Mercury, Sun
and Moon, Venus and Venus, Mercury and Jupiter, Moon and Mars
Friends are: Aries and Gemini, Taurus and Cancer, Gemini and Leo,
Cancer and Taurus, Leo and Gemini, Virgo and Scorpio, Libra and
Sagittarius, Scorpio and Virgo, Sagittarius and Aquarius, Capricorn
and Fish, Aquarius and Aries, Fish and Taurus.
Enemies are: Aries and Cancer, Taurus and Leo, Gemini and Fish, Cancer
and Aries, Leo and Taurus, Virgo and Sagittarius, Libra and Capricorn,
Scorpio and Aquarius, Sagittarius and Fish, Capricorn and Aries,
Aquarius and Scorpio, Fish and Gemini.

All sorts of things are used as amulets in Arabian world, and their
use is justified by the saying of Mohammed himself (Misbkat, 21:1): „
There in no wrong in using charms and spells so long as you do not
associate anything with God“.

Because of the lack of translations of the Arabic occult literature,
the western culture knows very little about the facts and origin of
many magical symbols which can be found in most of the rituals that
are performed today. Most of the symbols that we come across in
rituals of various magical schools are of an Egyptian origin and no
one should wonder that Egypt has been the cradle of magic and the
occult from its early days.

The hexagram or the six-pointed star is an Arabic symbol which was
used in the 18th century by the Jewish family Rothschild with the
intent of making it a symbol of Judaism calling it the "Star of
David". But the origin of the hexagram needs to be found in the
ancient Egypt cult of magic and wizardry. That is the reason why we
see this symbol in a lot of the Arabic talismans and amulets.

Similar mistakes are found in the name "Seven Signs of Solomon" which
have nothing to do with this magician king. The origin of these signs
was best described by the grand Arabic occultist, Ahmad ibn Ali

The first of the seven signs is the five-pointed star, the old Arabic
symbol of protection, one of the favorite and most widespread which is
seen in the fact that Islam still holds on to it, whose symbol is
crescent moon and a star.

The second sign contains two vertical lines and one wavy line. Its
meaning is not completely known.

The third sign is actually the letter Mim, the first letter of the
name Muhammad.

The fourth sign represents the ladder, which according to al-Buni
represent closeness to God.

The sixth and the seventh sign are the letters Ha and Waw which, when
combined form the word Huwa or He, one of the symbols of God in the

Al-Buni believes that these seven signs represent the supreme name of
Allah and according to that each talisman and amulet that are written
or etched with these symbols ensure God's protection and power.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina there is a long tradition of wearing
amulets, which are called “hamajlija” (amulet). They are shorter or
longer texts from the Quran written on a piece of paper where a
picture of a magic square is present (wakf, vefk) and at the end of
the text the name of the owner is written. Talismans were worn for
various reasons such as the protection from sickness and as a cure but
mostly because they provide immunity to the wearer.

When someone wants to get an amulet they go to a Hodja (Mullah) who
uses the system of Arabic astrology and numerology, also known as
“Ebdjed Hisab”, and turns the name of that person along with the name
of his mother into their numerical equivalents and divides it by the
number 12. When he receives the final number he then writes the
corresponding text. Every amulet begins with the words: “Bismilahir
rahmanir rahim” and continues with some prayer, usually it is the
first verse of the Quran, El-Fatiha. The constituent part of any good
amulet is the magical square or Wakf whose content is made up of a
sequence of numbers, Allah’s names or short quotations from the Quran.

In Velika KladuĊĦa an amulet is written for nine days before the
appearance of the new moon. When the whole text is completed the paper
is folded into a shape of a triangle and sown in a red fabric.
Beforehand a leaf of rue (Ruta graveoles) or a piece of yew or
tisovina (Taxus baccata) or three beans of coffee are placed inside
the amulet. In the past the amulet was encased in metal and sown
inside of a rabbits skin.

It is interesting to mention that the amulet has a fascinating effect
on the wearer. If the wearer is under the influence of black magic,
soon after he has started wearing the amulet around his neck a harmful
sensation will befall him, for example chest pain, nightmare, etc.
That is a positive sign that evil has been neutralized. Also this is
the crucial moment when the amulet and the wearer have bonded.

Amulets were mostly worn by children, according to the ethnological
data collected during the end of the 19th and the beginning of the
20th century, the majority of Bosnian children wore an amulet sown on
the top of their fez, shaped like a triangle and sown inside a red
fabric, so that it can protect them from spellbound eyes o which
children are most susceptible to. In such an amulet a standard prayer
that was written in it was a prayer from the Quran called Ali’Imran,
using an ink made out of rose water mixed with musk and saffron.
Amulets were also worn by pregnant women so that they can be protected
from spellbound eyes and to prevent a possible loss of the offspring.
Besides this a red sting was tied around children’s arms or a small
shell was sown on their hats to annul every influence of spellbound

A classical amulet was often worn in a triangular metal box which is
called “Mahfaza” whose shape also had a symbolical meaning. Namely,
each side of the triangle symbolized a verse from the Quran: “I am
God!", "There is no God but me”, “No one truly knows what I am.” In
Bosnia and Herzegovina since the old ages amulets connected to war are
also known, they are called “En’am”, named after the same prayer in
the Quran, these amulets were worn by soldiers going to war.

Besides written amulets in Bosnia we find various objects- amulets; a
wolf’s tooth was worn by feeble and scared children, a figurine of a
frog made out of silver were worn by women who wanted to be protected
against gynecological issues or they wore a silver plate on which it
was written “Mashalla”. Out of herbal amulets, garlic, leaf of rue or
a piece of yew were used, and from the animal amulets, thorns from a
hedgehog, a rabbits foot, a wing from a bat, etc. Besides the need to
protect himself from evil, man also wanted to protect his animals. For
protection purposes a red fabric was tied to a tail of a cow, a wooden
spoon was used for horses, or a small amulet was written and placed on
the horns of the animal.

Besides people and animals, material goods were also protected from
evil. In the past in Bosnia and Herzegovina a lot of attention was
given to the protection of the house from black magic and spellbound
eyes, to keep peace and happiness inside the house. Along time ago the
practice was to write Allah’s name “Ya Hafiz”, which means “God
Protector”, on the house doors, especially in Sarajevo. The name was
written in Arabic in golden letters on a dark background. The amulet
doesn’t only have the power to protect a human or a house from black
magic, its scope of action is much larger and it can, among other
things, protect its owner from negative propaganda and crooks. For
that reason an owner would write the following on his house: “I said,
and swore to Allah that I will do X.” After that he would take four
pieces of paper and write on each one of them, one name of the four
great Angels: Azrail, Jibrail, Israfil and Mikail and he would place
these papers in four corners of the house.

In Bosnia we encounter various beliefs about amulets, and these are
the most popular ones; it is believed that an amulet can lose its
protective power if it is punctured by a sowing needle. In the same
manner the amulet has no power of protection if its owner drinks or
eats a spell in his drink or food, it protects man only from external
influences, whether they be material or astral origin.


Write the following: „In the name of Allah, Most Merciful and
Gracious. „Surely We have given to you a clear victory, that Allah may
forgive you your past faults and those to follow and complete His
favor to you and keep you on a right way; and that Allah might help
you with a mighty help. He it is Who sent down tranquility into the
hearts of the believers that they might have more of faith added to
their faith. And Allah's are the hosts of the heavens and the earth,
and Allah is knowing, wise“.

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