Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Al Fatiha Conjuration

Bismillahir- Rahmaanir- Raheem.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Al hamdu lillahi rabil 'aalameen.
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds.
O Living , O Sustainer. Answer O Ruqiel, hearing and obedient,
thou and thy servant Mazhab Abba Deebaj, by the right of "Al hamdu
lillahi rabil 'aalameen,"
by the right of The Living,The Sustainer, and by the right of our
Master Muhammad,
may the blessing of God be upon him, and by the sacredness
of the angels assigned to the footings of the Throne.
Aleph Baa Jeem Dal.

Ar Rahmaanir Raheem.
Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
O Charitable, O Clement. Answer O Gabriel, hearing and obedient,
thou and thy servant Abeyadh Abba Al-Nur, by the right of "Ar Rahmaanir Raheem,"
by the right of the Charitable, the Clement, and by the right of our
Master Muhammad,
may the blessing of God be upon him, and by the sacredness
of the angels assigned to the footings of the Throne .
Haa Wao Zayn Hhaa .

Maaliki yaumid-deen.
Master of the Day of Judgement.
O Turner of the Hearts and Sights. Answer O Semsamiel, hearing and obedient,
thou and thy servant Ahmar Abbu Mohrez, by the right of "Maaliki yaumid-deen, "
by the right of the Turner of Hearts and Sights, and by the right of
our Master Muhammad,
may the blessing of God be upon him, and by the sacredness
of the angels assigned to the footings of the Throne.
T'ha Yaa Kaph Lam.

Iyyaaka na'abudu wa iyyaaka nasta'een.
Thee do we worship and Thine aid we seek.
O Fast One, O Near One. Answer O Michael, hearing and obedient,
thou and thy servant Burqan Abbu Al-A'aja'eb, by the right of "Iyyaaka
na'abudu wa iyyaaka nasta'een,"
and by the right of the Fast One, the Near One, and by the right of
our Master Muhammad,
may the blessing of God be upon him, and by the sacredness
of the angels assigned to the footings of the Throne.
Meem Noon Seen Ayn.

Ihdinas Siraatal mustaqeem.
Show us the straight way.
O Able (One), O Capable (One). Answer O Sarfiel, hearing and obedient,
thou and thy servant Shemhuresh Abbu Al-Waleed, by the right of
"Ihdinas Siraatal mustaqeem,"
and by the right of The Able (One), The Capable (One), and by the
right of our Master Muhammad,
may the blessing of God be upon him, and by the sacredness
of the angels assigned to the footings of the Throne.
Phaa Tsad Qaph Raa.

Siraatal lazeena an'amta 'alaihim
The way of those on who You have bestowed Your Grace;
O Knower, O Wise One. Answer O A'aniel, hearing and obedient,
thou and thy servant Zawba'ah Abba Al-Hasan, by the right of "Siraatal
lazeena an'amta 'alaihim,"
and by the right of The Knower, The Wise One, and by the right of our
Master Muhammad,
may the blessing of God be upon him, and by the sacredness
of the angels assigned to the footings of the Throne.
Sheen Taa Thaa Khaa.

ghairil maghduubi 'alaihim, wa lad-daalleen.
Not those who are under wrath, nor those who go astray.
O Compeling One, O Glorified One. Answer O Kasfiel, hearing and obedient,
thou and thy servant Maymoon Abba Nuch, by the right of "ghairil
maghduubi 'alaihim, wa lad-daalleen, "
by the right of the Compeling One, The Glorified One, and by the right
of our Master Muhammad,
may blessing of God be upon him, and by the sacredness
of the angels assigned to the footings of the Throne
Dzhal Dhaadh Zhaa Ghayn.

I swear upon thee O Angels and spirits of the High and of the Low, and
servants of the Opening Chapter
of the Book, answer and help me in all my affairs, Alwaha Alwaha. Be
speedy! Be speedy! Right now! Right now!
By the right of the Seven Doubles, by the right of the great Qur'an,
by the right of the mysteries and blessings therein,
by the right of what thou believe of the glory and the proof, and by
the sacredness of our Master Muhammed,
may blessing of God be upon him. O God, make thy servant Alrafraf
Alakhdar be servile to me, Thou art capable of
everything, by thy Mercy, O Most Merciful, and Thanks be to God.

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